1st Neuro-MIG Training Course

The 1st Neuro-MIG Training Course will be held at the Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb on April 9-11, 2018.

The aim of the 1st Neuro-MIG Training Course is to convey clinical trends, expertise and knowledge on the care, diagnosis, follow-up, possible treatment options of patients with the MCD and current clinical and basic research on neuronal migration disorders.

The course is targetted at clinical geneticists, paediatric neurologists, radiologists, laboratory specialists, pathologists, cell biologists and other specialists in the field are welcome. PhD students, postdocs and early career investigators (ECI) with research initiative on neuronal migration disorders and other malformations of cortical development are most welcome. Detailed information on registration, accomodation and travel can be found here.

A collection of photographs from the event is available here.

The abstract booklet for the training school is available here.